Spring Cleaning Is For Finances, Too
There’s nothing quite like airing out your home from a long winter, scrubbing it down to a sparkly shine, and decluttering the mess that’s piled up. Deep cleans are meant for more than just your house, though. Your finances most likely need some spring cleaning, too. According to Nerd Wallet , spring is a good time to “conduct a thorough review of your finances and address any neglected areas.” The first and easiest way to conquer that task is by updating your budget, which changes in different areas each year. It’s good to reassess spending habits at least once a year. Eaton Family Credit Union Chief Financial Officer, Kelly Slocum, notes, "Financial goals can change over time, particularly during pandemic years, so reevaluating them each spring is important. Everything from annual vacations to new jobs should be included in your list of financial goals." Other ways to clean up your finances this spring include reviewing your insurance coverage, services, and cutting unne...